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  • [ 中学生辅导] 高考英语| 300句常考实用句型(带例句)! 日期:2023-04-13 13:15:35 点击:86 好评:0

    1. According to 依照/根据。 According to the newspaper,its a great movie. 根据报纸说,这是一部很棒的电影。 2. Am I allowed to? 我可以吗?【请求句型】 Am I allowed to introduce our new manager Mr. Anderson to all of you? 请允许我介绍我们的新经理安德森先生给大家,好吗? 3. As a matter of fact 实际上。 Asamatter of fact,I dont agree with you. 实际上,我不大同意你的看法。 4. As far as Im concerned, 就我而言,。【表达观点】 As far as Im concerned, | think we should pay more attention to the safety of school children. 就我而言,我认为我们应该更关注在校儿童的安全问题。 5.As far as I know, ... 据我所知,。 As far as l know,he is not coming,but l may be wrong. 据我所知,他不打算来,但我或许会弄错。 6.As I just mentioned...正如我刚才提到过的,。 As I just mentioned, nobody should drop out of school unless they believe they face the opportu...

  • [ 中学生辅导] 高考英语| 300句常考实用句型(带例句)! 日期:2023-04-13 13:15:35 点击:86 好评:0

    1. According to 依照/根据。 According to the newspaper,its a great movie. 根据报纸说,这是一部很棒的电影。 2. Am I allowed to? 我可以吗?【请求句型】 Am I allowed to introduce our new manager Mr. Anderson to all of you? 请允许我介绍我们的新经理安德森先生给大家,好吗? 3. As a matter of fact 实际上。 Asamatter of fact,I dont agree with you. 实际上,我不大同意你的看法。 4. As far as Im concerned, 就我而言,。【表达观点】 As far as Im concerned, | think we should pay more attention to the safety of school children. 就我而言,我认为我们应该更关注在校儿童的安全问题。 5.As far as I know, ... 据我所知,。 As far as l know,he is not coming,but l may be wrong. 据我所知,他不打算来,但我或许会弄错。 6.As I just mentioned...正如我刚才提到过的,。 As I just mentioned, nobody should drop out of school unless they believe they face the opportu...

  • [ 中学生辅导] 英语作文|10篇关于传统文化主题的英语作文,建议背诵! 日期:2023-04-13 09:51:23 点击:218 好评:0

    今天和大家分享的是10篇关于传统文化的英语作文,也是近年高考热门话题,老师们请让学生赶快收藏备用吧! 01 假定你是李华,是某高中的一名学生。为了让更多的人了解中国优秀的传统文化,你校近日将举办中国传统文化展(The Traditional Chinese Culture Fair)。请给你的外教Mr. Smith写一封电子邮件,邀请他参加。邮件的内容包括: (1)展会时间和地点:本周五下午2:005:00,本校艺术中心; (2)展会宗旨:让更多的人了解中国优秀的传统文化; (3)展出内容:相关书籍、图片、实物等: 注意: (1)词数100左右; (2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Mr. Smith, Im writing to invite you to the Traditional Chinese Cultural Fair to be held by our school at the Art Center this Friday afternoon, from 2pm to 5pm. Since this event aims to help more people learn about the traditional C...

  • [ 中学生辅导] 高考英语传统文化高频词汇 日期:2023-04-13 09:49:39 点击:72 好评:0

    传统文化高频词汇 1. 春节:the Spring Festival / Chinese New Years Day / Chinese Lunar New Year 2. 除夕:New Years Eve 3. 正月:lunar January 4. 初一:the beginning of New Year 5. 元宵节:the Lantern Festival 6. 春龙节:the Dragon-head-raising Festival (龙抬头) 7. 寒食节:the Cold Food Festival 8. 清明节:Tomb Sweeping Day 9. 端午节:the Dragon Boat Festival (龙舟节) 10. 七夕节:the Magpie Festival / Double Seventh Day (中国情人节) 11. 中元节:the Hungry Ghost Festival 12. 中秋节:the Mid-Autumn Festival 13. 重阳节:the Double Ninth Festival 14. 腊八节:the Laba Festival 15. 泼水节:the Water-Splashing Day 16. 剪纸:paper-cutting 17. 书法:calligraphy 18. 对联:couplets 19. 红双喜:double happiness 20. 红包(压岁钱):red envelope 21. 压岁钱:lucky money 22. 小吃摊:Snack Bar / Snack Stand 23. 元宵:sweet rice dumpling 24. 火锅:hot pot 25. 春卷:spring roll(s) 26. 莲藕:lotus(...

  • [ 中学生辅导] 450-510分档位,江苏高校各专业上海高考录取分数线汇总 日期:2023-04-13 09:46:25 点击:146 好评:0

    下面给大家汇总的是2022年上海高考本科普通批中,投档分数线在450-510分之间的江苏高校的招录情况, 总共涉及40个专业组,基本都是公办本科 (江南大学04是211,南京传媒01是民办), 按照各个专业组投档线降序排列的,方便大家做对比参考:...

  • [ 中学生辅导] 这80组雅思口语固定句式,急救你的词穷和低分! 日期:2023-04-12 13:12:36 点击:77 好评:0

    01.暂时没想到答案时的过渡句 ◆Thats an interesting/ difficult/ tough question ◆I have never really thought about it, but ◆I dont know much about it but ◆I have not given enough thought to that ◆Well, not sure where should I start ◆Wow, let me think about that. ◆Ive never thought about that before. ◆Frankly, this isnt something Im used to talking about. ◆Honestly, I am a little bit nervous right now and my mind just went blank. 02.需要考官解释时用的句式 ◆I am not sure what you meant by ◆I did not quite get that. Did you mean? ◆Could you please say that in other words? ◆Could you please repeat the question? ◆Could you please explain it to mein another way? ◆Do you mean...? ◆I am sorry. Could you pleaserepeat that? ◆I beg your pardon? 03.自我纠错用的句式 ◆I mean ◆Or, should I say ◆Or, rather ◆ would be more precise 04.表达观点用的句式 ◆In my opinion/ In my view ◆My view is that/ My point of view is that ◆...

  • [ 中学生辅导] 2020-2022年高考英语读后续写真题+优秀范文汇总 日期:2023-04-12 10:28:31 点击:133 好评:0

    2022年 0 1 2022年全国高考新高考I卷读后续写 It was the day of the big cross-country run. Students from seven different primary schools in and around the small town were warming up and walking the route(路线)through thick evergreen forest. I looked around and finally spotted David, who was standing by himself off to the side by a fence. He was small for ten years old. His usual big toothy smile was absent today. I walked over and asked him why he wasnt with the other children. He hesitated and then said he had decided not to run. What was wrong? He had worked so hard for this event! I quickly searched the crowd for the schools coach and asked him what had happened. I was afraid that kids from other schools would laugh at him, he explained uncomfortably. I gave him the choice to run or not, and let him decide. I bit back my frustration(懊恼). I knew the coach meant well he thought he was doing the right thing. After making sure that David could run if he wanted,...

  • [ 中学生辅导] 英语高考七选五次次拿满分的秘诀 日期:2023-04-12 10:27:43 点击:167 好评:0

    高中英语阅读七选五题型要求考生从整体上把握文章的逻辑结构和内容上的联系,理解句子之间、段落之间的关系,对诸如连贯性、一致性等语段特征有较强的意识和熟练的把握,并具备运用语法知识分析理解长难句的能力。可以说,此题型是对语言能力和阅读理解能力的综合测试。 七选五阅读16大解题技巧,基础差也可得满分! 1. 略读文章抓大意 以最快的速度跳跃式地浏览文章的大小标题、首段、每段的首句,以及表示句、段关系的连接性词语(特别是however, but等后的内容)等重要部分,以了解文章的基本结构和内容大意。事实上,一般只需花5~10秒阅读大小标题和第一段首尾句即可。 2. 重点阅读上下句 因为正确选项必定会与上下句之间语义衔接、逻辑通顺,解题时大多只看上句,或只看下句,就可基本确定答案。 事实上,如果没有时间来得及通...

  • [ 中学生辅导] 英语中有12个好词说故事“有趣”,别只用interesting了 日期:2023-04-11 13:11:29 点击:197 好评:0

    遇到一个非常有趣故事(story), 如何描述它有趣吸引人令人着迷呢? 除了interesting, 还有下面这些更准确、更高级的表达法。 01 compelling 指极为有趣,因此引人入胜的 来自于动词compel, 指强...

  • [ 中学生辅导] 中考作文8大主题40个绝美题记,学霸最爱用! 日期:2023-04-11 10:02:48 点击:177 好评:0

    一个好的题记,可以为中考作文增色不少,也会让阅卷老师眼前一亮,今天小编搜集了中考作文8大主题40个绝美题记,学霸最爱用,每天背一背! 奋斗坚持 1.最清晰的脚印,踩在最泥泞的路上。《不认命,就拼命》 2.我可以接受失败,但我不能接受放弃。迈克尔乔丹 3.这个天地,我来过,我奋战过,我深爱过,我不在乎结局。《悟空传》 4.我们用人生最好的年华做抵押,去担保一个说出来都会被人嘲笑的梦想。《伊心》 5.不是所有的坚持都有结果,但总有一些坚持,能从冰封的土地里,培育出十万朵怒放的蔷薇。《最好的我们》 青春少年 1.白日莫空过,青春不再来。《少年行》 2.所有的时间都用来彷徨,只有一瞬间用来成长。温瑶 3.青春是萤火绚丽的流动银河,灿烂却也极致短暂。《萤火之森》 4.青春是丛林,是荒原,是阳光炙热的奔跑,是大雨滂...

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