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日期:2023-02-16 09:49 点击:


Increase Public Awareness of Water Pollution 提高公众对于水污染的意识。

Many developing countries are seeing a rapid rise in water pollution so severe 许多发展中国家的水污染问题不断上升,

that densely crowded cities could be left without adequate safe supplies. 这使得许多拥挤的城市没有足够的水资源。

As for how to combat water pollution,the most effective way should be by strengthening supervisory policies. 对于打击水污染问题,最有效的途径就是加强监管政策的力度。

Firstly, supervision promotes public awareness of water conservation and protection. 首先,监管能够增强公共对于节约、保护水资源的意识。

Let us take agricultural waste-water as an example. 我们拿农业的水资源浪费做一个例子。

Pesticides and chemical fertilizers are the main contaminants in agricultural production. 杀虫剂和化学肥料是农业生产的主要污染物。

In fact, farmers are less aware of water conservation 事实上,农民的水资源保护意识淡薄,

compared with more water-conscious urban residents. 相比之下,城市居民的水资源意识很强。

Therefore, education-oriented supervision should be adopted by the local authorities. 所以,以教育为目的的监管应该在个地方实行开来。

Furthermore, tough measures have to be taken against illegal industrial waste-water discharge. 此外,人们也要实施一些强硬措施来制止非法工业排水。

Strict standards must be set. 政府应该制定严格的法规。

Industries which cannot meet certain criteria need to bear legal liability. 那些没有达到标准的产业要负法律责任。

The government and the public, especially direct interest groups,need to join up supervisors. 政府和公众,特别是直接利益关系人,都需要参与到监管中来。

Mutual supervision between enterprises is also worth consideration under certain circumstances 企业之间的互相监管也值得人们考虑,

When it comes to domestic sewage,self-supervision and community publicity may be the answer. 特别是在排污方面,人们要进行自己监管、和公众监管。

For individuals, self-awareness is the most important factor in combating water pollution, 作为个人,人们的自我意识是打击水污染问题的主要因素,

which can be acquired through local and national advertising campaigns. 人们能够通过参与国家和地方的宣传活动来提高意识。

In conclusion, the strengthening of supervision serves as an effective solution to water pollution. 总结,加强监管力度是解决水污染的有效途径。

The government should make unremitting efforts to adopt supervision strategies in an attempt to prevent water pollution. 政府应该不遗余力地采取监管措施,从而来防止水污染的发生。



Use Clean Energy Only 只使用清洁能源。

The world is facing an uphill battle to reduce air pollution 全世界都在积极对抗空气污染,

which has led to a series of health hazards. 空气污染会对我们的健康造成危害。

In my opinion, the real solution to air pollution is to replace fossil fuels with clean energy like solar and wind energy. 我认为,解决空气污染的真正方法是利用如清洁能源、太阳能、风能来代替化石燃料。

Firstly, by utilizing the sun and the wind to produce clean energy, 首先,利用太阳能和风能来制造清洁能源,

pollution from dirty energy such as fossil fuels can be greatly reduced. 那么,化石燃料所产生的污染就会减少。

The overuse of fossil fuels such as coal has given rise to the emission of pollutants like nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide 化石燃料的过度使用,例如煤,会引起污染物的传播,这些污染物有氮氧化物、二氧化碳,

which are looming as one major threat to air quality. 他们都是造成质量空气质量下降的主要威胁之一。

According to the official statistics,carbon dioxide emission reached 18.57 million tons in 1999,posing a serious threat to air quality, 根据官方数据表明,1999年,二氧化碳的排放达到了1857万吨,这给空气质量造成了严重的威胁,

Therefore, harnessing solar and wind energy can effectively reduce pollutants emission from fossil fuels and significantly improve air quality. 所以,利用太阳能和风能可以有效地减少污染物的排放,还能有效地提高空气质量。

Secondly, renewable forms of energy such as solar and wind energy are non-polluting and environmentally friendly. 第二,可再生能源,例如太阳能、风能,他们都是对环境无害的清洁能源。

It is widely acknowledged that solar and wind energy are clean,free and inexhaustible. 人们广泛认为太阳能和风能是清洁能源,而且不需要任何费用,供给源源不绝。

They provide energy for cooking, lighting, heating and cooling without any direct emissions. 这些能源能够帮助我们做饭、照明、供暖、解暑,这些能源也不会排放有害气体。

In conclusion, to win the battle against air pollution, 总结,为了能够提高空气质量,

some urgent measures have to be carried out immediately. 我们应该马上采取一些有效的手段来加以解决。

Replacing fossil fuels with sustainable clean energy is the top priority. 用可持续的清洁能源来代替化石燃料是我们的首选。



Impose Strict Standards on Industries 对产业实施强有力的标准。

Some parts of the world face grave soil pollution that jeopardizes the ecology, 世界上的许多地方都面临着土壤污染问题,这将危及到生态、

food safety ,people's health and a sustainable social development. 食品安全、人体健康、以及社会的可持续发展问题。

The long-term effect of land pollution has become a cause for concern by the public in general, 土壤污染的长期影响将会引起公众的关注。

In my opinion, strict regulations and standards for industry should be adopted in order to prevent land pollution. 我认为,政府应该对产业实施严格的规章制度,从而遏制土壤污染问题的发生。

Firstly, as a matter of fact,industrial pollutants account for more than 80% of the land pollution 首先,事实上,工业污染对土壤的污染超过了80%,

which is now causing us huge problems in every aspect of our lives. 现如今,这些影响到了我们生活的各个方面。

By setting strict standards on industries, 通过在产业实施严格的制度条例,

we could effectively deter relative factories from producing industrial pollutants. 我们能够有效地遏制工厂制造工业污染物。

For example, the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro marked a paradigm shift in the attitude of the governments of the world, 例如,在里约热内卢举行的地球峰会上,各国政府的态度有了极大的转变,

as 150 delegates attended and recognized the importance of control and discipline. 150个国家代表出席了会议,并认识到了加强土壤污染控制的重要性。

Secondly, when governments make the new standards for those leading industries 第二,当政府对这些龙头产业实施新标准时,

and with people in every corner of the world benefiting from it, 全世界的人们将因此而受益,

small business owners and entrepreneurs will also be positively involved 小企业和企业家将会积极参与其中,

and possibly stay engaged with the process of reducing land pollution. 还有可能会加入到减少土壤污染的过程当中。

To conclude, I am fully convinced by what is argued above that for the sake of ourselves and the generations to come, 总结,我相信上述所说都将有利于我们个人,以及世世代代的人们,

strict relative relations and standards for industry should be immediately adopted in order to prevent land pollution once and for all. 政府应该马上对产业实施这些规章,只有这样,我们才能真正地避免土壤污染的出现。



New Technology Is One Way to Solve Noise Pollution 新技术是解决噪音污染的举措之一。

There have been an increasing number of complaints and lawsuits about noise pollution in some major world cities. 在世界的许多城市中,人们对噪音污染的抱怨越来越多。

The problem with noise is not only that it is unwanted, 我们不仅讨厌噪音问题,

but also that it negatively affects human health and well-being. 它还会影响我们的身体健康。

In my opinion,the government should attach importance to the research and application of technology in order to reduce noise pollution. 我认为,政府应该重视对于技术的研究和利用,这样我们才能减少噪音污染。

First, the application of sound-absorbing or sound-insulation material shows the quickest sign of the reduction of noise pollution. 首先,利用吸收噪音或是隔音的材料,可以迅速减少噪音污染。

Noise inside a building can be reduced,if both the external and internal walls are made of sound deadening materials. 建筑室内的噪音也可以得到减少,前提是外墙和内墙都要运用这种隔音材料。

Heavy and dense materials such as masonry or brick walls are better for sound reduction. 例如石造建筑和砖壁这样的厚实材料也可以很好地达到减少噪音的效果。

The application of sound reduction materials is economically and technically feasible in dealing with four main noise sources, 利用降音材料既省钱,在技术上也能够达到,用它们我们能够解决四大噪声来源,

namely transportation, industrial production, construction, and social activities. 它们是交通、工业生产、建筑、社会活动。

Furthermore, the introduction of hybrid cars has made advances in the reduction of motor vehicle noise. 此外,混合动力汽车的应用也可以减少汽车带来的噪音。

Noise from transportation is one major source of noise pollution. 交通噪音是噪音污染的主要来源。

The application of cars with low level noise will be effective in reducing noise emission. 使用低噪声的汽车可以有效地减少噪音排放。

In conclusion, with people exposed to dangerous sound levels on the rise, 总结,人们接触有害声音的次数正在不断增长,

noise pollution has become a common occupational and environmental hazard. 噪声污染已经对环境造成了伤害。

I strongly recommend that the government should spare no efforts in funding and investing in new technologies 我强烈认为政府应该不遗余力地加强新技术的投资,

which will be essential in noise pollution reduction. 这对减少噪音污染是非常重要的。



Online Learning vs. Traditional Learning 网上学习与传统学习法

Will traditional learning institutions like universities ever be supplanted by computer-based education such as distant-learning as some people predict? 像大学这样的传统学习场所是否将要遭到以电脑为基础的教育方法的代替,例如人们所预见的远程学习?

Personally, I believe that traditional methods of teaching and online learning both have advantages and disadvantages. 我个人认为传统学习方法和网上学习法各有利弊。

Some people claim that there are a number of virtues entailed in computer-based learning, 许多人认为网上学习有许多好处,

For example, students do not have to travel to and fro on a daily basis; 例如,学生不用每天来回奔波上学,

instead, they can devote their traveling time to study more. 反之,他们的路上时间也可以用来学习。

In addition, computers furnish an even richer variety of choices 此外,网上学习为学生提供更多的选择,

so that pupils do not have to be restrained to study subjects arbitrarily chosen by their universities or teachers. 所以,学生将不会再被限制学习课程,这些课程都是大学或老师为学生选择的。

However, others argue that the significance of education carried out in traditional places has stood the test of time. 但是,其他人认为传统的学习方法是经过时间检验的。

This time-honoured practice should not be eradicated by the advent of the digital era. 这样的学习方法不能够因为电子时代的到来而遭到消除。

Furthermore, there are some advantages of traditional education 此外,传统学习法也有许多优点,

which cannot be challenged by computer-based ones. 这些是网上学习所不具备的。

For instance, at university, each student can receive a tailored education according to his or her aptitude 例如在大学,学生的教育都是根据学生自身的能力而定的。

whereas computer-based education inevitably tends to generalize students' collective performance. 但是,网上教育产生的是学生的集体表现。

In summary, on account of the aforementioned points, 总结,就上面所讨论的观点而言,

I believe that traditional methods of learning and online learning have their merits and demerits and that, 我相信网上学习和传统学习各有利弊,

at the end of the day, it is up to the student to choose his own preferred method of learning. 在今天的时代,学生应该自行选择自己喜欢的学习方法。



Job Hopping ls Both Good and Bad 跳槽也好也坏。

Job hopping has become a common phenomenon among employees 跳槽已经成为了人们的常见现象,

and the concept of an iron rice bowl or jobs for life is falling apart. 而人们对于铁饭碗和终身工作的观念正在减退。

However, although some employees may favour job hopping, 但是,尽管许多员工倾向于跳槽,

it is by no means favoured by most employers. 但这绝对不会受到雇主的赞同。

Most companies spend large amounts of money in training new hires 绝大部分的公司在培训新员工上花费了巨资,

which they see as an investment for the future. 他们认为这是对未来的一种投资。

To lose trained, qualified and experienced staff early in their careers is financially damaging to companies. 如果受过培训的有经验员工辞职,那么这对于公司将会是巨大的损失。

Furthermore, employers require loyalty which frequent job hopping by employees shows a distinct lack of. 此外,公司希望有忠诚度的员工,经常换工作的员工缺乏信任度。

Employers will be reluctant to hire new staff who show this tendency. 公司不会招聘没有信任度的员工。

From the staff’s point of view, 从员工的角度说,

it is commonplace for ambitious starters to hop from job to job-part of the process of climbing the career ladder. 对于那些有抱负的员工,他们会通过跳槽来发展自己的事业。

Furthermore, employees may feel that their current job is dissatisfying or not as rewarding as expected. 此外,员工会对现在的工作不满意,或是在工资上没有达到他们的要求。

If so, sooner or later, they will start looking for a different job. 如果是这样的话,他们早晚会选择跳槽。

In addition, it is very likely that after working in a certain field for some time, 此外,在某一领域工作一段时间以后,

one feels like changing one's direction by foraying into another area. 他们很有可能会尝试不同领域。

In conclusion, both employers and employees have different attitudes towards job hopping. 总结,雇主和雇员对跳槽有着不同的看法。

Employers regard it as a financial waste and a sign of disloyalty 雇主认为跳槽是浪费资金和不忠诚的表现,

while employees see it as an opportunity to further their career or to find a job which is more satisfying. 而雇员认为这是找到心仪工作,并发展事业的机会。














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