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双语美文 | 足球为何能风靡世界?

日期:2022-11-21 13:40 点击:






There are many beautiful things about being an American fan of men's World Cup soccer—foremost among them is ignorance. The community in which you were raised did not gather around the television set every four years for a solid, breathless month. Your country has never won. You can pick whatever team you like best and root for[i]) it without shame or fear of reprisal[ii]). You have not been indoctrinated[iii]) into unwanted-yet-inescapable tribal allegiances[iv]) by your soccer-crazed countrymen. You are an amateur, in the purest sense of the word. So with the World Cup taking place this month—and the World Cup is the only truly international sporting event on the planet (no, the Olympics, with their overwhelming clutter of boutique[v]) athletics, do not matter in the same way)—you can expect to spend the month in paradise.


[i] root for: 为……喝彩鼓励;为……鼓劲

[ii] reprisal [rɪˈpraɪzl] n. 报复

[iii] indoctrinate [ɪnˈdɒktrɪneɪt] vt. 向……传授知识(或纪律、规章等)

[iv] allegiance [əˈliːdʒəns] n. (对个人、团体、事业等的)忠贞;拥戴;热爱

[v] boutique [buːˈtiːk] adj. 精细操作的




That's what I do. The world of the World Cup is the one I want to live in. I cannot resist its United Nations–like pageantry[i]) and high-mindedness, the apolitical[ii]) display of national characteristics, the revelation of deep human flaws[iii]) and unexpected greatnesses, the fact that entire nations walk off the job or wake up at 3 a.m. to watch men kick a ball. There are countries that have truly multiracial squads[iv])—France, England, and the United States—while other teams are entirely blond or Asian or Latin American. A Slovakian tire salesman, an Italian cop[v]), or a German concert pianist—having passed the official fitness tests—will moonlight[vi]) as referee. There are irritating fans: "U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.!" (Blessedly few.) There are children who hold hands with each player as he walks onto the field. National anthems play. Men paint themselves their national colors and cry openly at defeat. An announcer shouts "GOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLL! GOL, GOL, GOL!" on the Spanish-language channel you're watching. (It's often the only way you can see the game live.) There are two back-to-back 45-minute segments[vii]) without commercials. To quote the book every traveling athlete finds in his hotel room: "Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven." Or, as my copy of "Soccer and Its Rules" says: "Are you ready? Ready to cheer the players to victory, marvel at their fitness, speed, and skills, urging them to win every tackle[viii]) for the ball, ready to explode at a powerful shot? Ready for the excitement of flying wingers, overlapping backs, curling corners, slick one-two passing and goals scored with panache[ix])? Ready for another moment in a fantasy world?"


[i] pageantry [ˈpædʒəntri] n. (尤指涉及王室人物的特殊正式事件的)盛典;盛大活动

[ii] apolitical [ˌeɪpəˈlɪtɪkl] adj. (指行为)非政治的,无政治色彩的;(指人)不关心政治的;不支持任何政党的

[iii] flaw [flɔː] n. (指人性格中的)缺点

[iv] squad [skwɒd] n. 班,小队

[v] cop [kɒp] n. 警察

[vi] moonlight [ˈmuːnlaɪt] vi. 兼职(尤指不为专职工作的雇主和税收部门知道)

[vii] segment [ˈseɡmənt] n. 部分;片段

[viii] tackle [ˈtækl] n. 【足】阻截铲球

[ix] panache [pəˈnæʃ] n. 夸耀;夸示;神气十足




I am ready.

Soccer's worldwide popularity isn't surprising when you look at what has always motivated humanity: money and God. There's lots of money in soccer, of course. Club soccer (like capitalism) is basically the childlike desire to make dreams come true, no matter what the cost, realized by men with enough money to combine such commodities as the best Brazilian attacker, Dutch midfielder, British defender, and German goalie[i]) and turn them loose on whatever the other billionaires can put together—an unfair situation that describes much of the world these days. But the divine's there, too. What is soccer if not everything that religion should be? Universal yet particular, the source of an infinitely renewable supply of hope, occasionally miraculous, and governed by simple, uncontradictory rules ("laws," officially) that everyone can follow. Soccer's laws are laws of equality and nonviolence and restraint, and free to be reinterpreted at the discretion of a reasonable arbiter[ii]). What the ref says goes, no matter how flagrantly[iii]) in violation of dogma[iv]) his decisions may be. My official rule book, after presenting a detailed enumeration[v]) of soccer's 17 laws, concludes that the ref can throw out any of them in order to apply what it rather mystically calls "the spirit of fair play".


[i] goalie ['gəʊlɪ] n. 守门员

[ii] arbiter [ˈɑːbɪtə(r)] n. (活动或命运的)控制者;主宰者;裁决人

[iii] flagrantly [ˈfleɪɡrəntli] adv. 明目张胆地;公然地;赤裸裸地

[iv] dogma [ˈdɒɡmə] n. 教条;信条

[v] enumeration [ɪˌnjuːməˈreɪʃn] n. 列举



当你看到是什么一直促进了人类的发展时,足球在全世界范围的流行就不会使你惊讶了:金钱和上帝。足球行业当然有很多钱。俱乐部足球(就像资本主义)基本上就是不论代价是什么都要让梦想成真的孩童般的渴望,它由有钱人来实现,他们把 诸如最好的巴西前锋、荷兰中场、英国防守还有德国守门员这些商品联合起来,然后又拆散他们任由其他亿万富翁组合——这个不公平的情形很大程度上描绘的是世界的现状。但足球运动也不乏神圣之处。如果宗教不应该是一切,那足球是什么呢?它是普世而又独特的,是无限可再生的希望之源泉,有时是不可思议的,它由简单的、不矛盾的规则(官方称之为“法则”)支配,每个人都能遵守。足球的法则是为了确保公平、克制和非暴力,可以任由理智分明的裁判对其加以合理地诠释。裁判的话就是圣旨,无论他的裁定可能多么明显地违背了规则。我的官方规则书在详细地列举出足球的17大法则后总结称,裁判可以抛开这其中的任何一条,以便践行所谓的相当神秘的“公平竞争精神”。



The religious undercurrent[i]) in soccer runs especially deep in World Cup years. Teams from across the globe converge on[ii]) the host nation in something of an unarmed, athletic crusade[iii]). As in the Crusades, the host nation tends to repel them. There's a weird power in home-team advantage. Hosts find a level of success disproportionate to their talents on paper, triumphing over stronger teams, as if exerting a gravitational pull on the game, causing it to be played the way they want to play it, as if, to carry this metaphor to its inevitable conclusion, God were on their side.


[i] undercurrent [ˈʌndəkʌrənt] n. 潜流;暗流

[ii] converge on: (人或车辆等)聚集

[iii] crusade [kruːˈseɪd] n. 十字军(指西方基督教徒组织的反对穆斯林国家的几次军事东侵)




It's well-known that soccer, like religion, can provoke violence—hooliganism[i]) and tramplings at overcrowded, Mecca-mid-hajj-like stadiums are what many Americans assume about the game. But soccer has also proved unique in its ability to bridge differences and overturn national prejudices. The fact that the World Cup could even take place in South Korea and in Japan, as it did in 2002, was a victory for tolerance and understanding. In less than half a century South Korea had gone from not allowing the Japanese national team to cross its borders for a World Cup qualifier, to co-hosting the tournament with the former occupier. Give the world another 50 years and we might see the Cup co-hosted by Israel and Palestine.


[i] hooliganism [ˈhuːlɪɡənɪzəm] n. 流氓行为




And why not? Soccer's universality is its simplicity—the fact that the game can be played anywhere with anything. Urban children kick the can on concrete and rural kids kick a rag wrapped around a rag wrapped around a rag, barefoot, on dirt. Soccer is something to believe in now, perhaps empty at its core, but not a stand-in for anything else.




















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