
【中考英语】2023中考中国传统文化作文 (5篇)

日期:2023-06-13 09:52  点击:


Tang costume
Places of interest: 
Tian’anmen Square
the Great Wall...
the Spring Festival
the Mid-autumn Festival
Beijing Opera...
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3. 80词左右,开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Steven,
How is it going?
Li Qiang

Dear Steven,

How is it going? I’m glad you like China and are interested in Chinese culture. Now I’ll tell you something about Chinese culture.

There are many traditional festivals in China, such as Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival. People eat different foods to celebrate different festivals. During the Spring Festival, we often get together as a family and eat dumplings, because it is a symbol of reunion and good luck. In the Mid-Autumn Festival, people often eat mooncakes and we have Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival.

If you want to visit some places of interest, you can go to the Great Wall and Tian’anmen Square. If you’re interested in clothing, you can try cheongsam or Tang costume. In addition, Beijing Opera is the most famous, but now many people don’t understand it. If you want to travel far away, you can take a high-speed train, which is very fast and will bring you the most comfortable travel.

I’m looking forward to seeing you in China.
Li Qiang


1. 词数80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Tom,
I’m glad to hear that you’ll come to China. 
You said you wanted to learn about the customs in China. Now, let me tell you something about them. China is a country with a long history, __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
When in Rome, do as the Romans do. And you’ll have a great time in China.
Dear Tom,

I’m glad to hear that you’ll come to China. You said you wanted to learn about the customs in China. Now, let me tell you something about them.

China is a country with a long history and there are many customs in China. Now let me introduce some to you.

When you meet friends, you should greet each other and just say “hello”, instead of shaking hands frequently. When you eat at a friend’s home, you should use your right hand to hold chopsticks. It is best not to make noise when eating. It’s polite to eat all the food in your bowl. Don’t knock bowls or plates with chopsticks. This is impolite. After dinner, the host usually makes tea for the guests. When you leave, you should say goodbye to the host politely. If your friends invite you to the party, you’d better arrive a little earlier, 5 to 10 minutes in advance. You can bring a small gift to your friends. But your friends won’t open presents immediately. This is different from other foreign countries.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. If you obey these, I think you’ll have a great time in China.


假设你是李华,你校将举办“感受中国传统文化”的活动,请你结合提示,给在外国的朋友Jim 写一封电子邮件,邀请他前来参加,词数 80 左右。
1. 必须包含所有提示信息,开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
2. 意思清楚,表达通顺,行文连贯,书写规范。
3. 请勿在文中使用真实姓名学校及提示信息以外的地名。
Dear Jim,
I heard that you are a fan of Chinese culture.
Li Hua

Dear Peter,

I heard that you are a fan of Chinese culture. So I’m writing to invite you to the activity “Experience traditional Chinese culture”, which will be held on June 26th in our school playground or school hall.

You can experience all kinds of traditional Chinese culture in the activity. A series of lectures on traditional Chinese culture will be given, which can help you to learn more about Chinese culture. Meanwhile, there will be some activities about ancient Chinese poetry. Besides, you can taste a lot of delicious traditional Chinese food.

It’s a good chance both to increase your understanding of Chinese culture and make new friends. I sincerely hope you can come and enjoy it.
Li Hua


1. 词数70左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 短文的开头和结尾部分已给出,不计入总词数;
4. 文中不得出现真实的人名与校名。
受欢迎的 popular
代表 stand for    
幸福 happiness    
好运 good luck
春节 the Spring Festival
剪纸 paper-cuts   
 灯笼 lanterns    
红包 red packets
Dear Jack, 
It’s great to receive your letter. Knowing that you’re interested in Chinese red. I’m writing to tell you something about it. 
I truly hope my letter will help you understand Chinese red better.
Li Hua
Dear Jack,

It’s great to receive your letter. Knowing that you’re interested in Chinese red. I’m writing to tell you something about it. Chinese red, considered as the symbolic color of China, is extremely popular with Chinese people. It usually represents happiness, and we believe that it can bring us good luck.

People in our country attach such great importance to Chinese red that they use many red objects in some important events. For instance, in a wedding, you can see that the bride is in a red wedding dress and the wedding room is decorated with red. What’s more, the houses are also filled with red paper-cuts, lanterns and Chinese Knots during the Spring Festival. Children will get red packets for best wishes as well. Obviously, Chinese red plays a significant role and enjoys the highest popularity in China.

I truly hope my letter will help you understand Chinese red better.
Li Hua


近期学校开展了“My Favorite Ancient Mythology of China”的英语演讲活动,旨在鼓励同学们通过讲述中国神话故事(如愚公移山、嫦娥奔月、后羿射日),加深对中国传统文化的理解,弘扬传统文化。请根据以下框架,写一篇英语演讲稿,简述一个你最喜欢的中国神话故事并给出理由。
My Favorite Ancient Mythology of China
 the main story
1. 短文必须包括所有要点,并适当发挥;
2. 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;
3. 词数80—100 词;标题已给出, 不计入总词数。
My Favorite Ancient Mythology of China

My favorite ancient mythology of China is “Chang’e Flying to the Moon”.

Long long ago, Hou Yi got a special medicine from a goddess as a reward after he shot down nine suns. Peng Meng wanted to get it when Hou Yi was not home. To stop Peng Meng, Chang’e had to take it and she flew up to the moon. Hou Yi missed her so much that he became really sad every night. One night, he found that the moon was so bright and round that he saw his wife there. He quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden.

I really love this ancient mythology because it shows our strong desire for family reunion and love.
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